
April 12, 2017

hey guys i'm 20 now

- pomegranate tea in my new Priscilla teacup - 
- a photographer husband who makes me look good - 
- typewritten love notes - 
- Star of Bethlehem flowers sprinkled along the driveway - \
- pressing wildflowers - 
- preparing for Easter festivities this weekend - 
- flat Illinois landscapes - 
- driving the buggy around the field station with my love -
- Dairy Queen sundaes -  
- hand picked bouquets from Charlie - 
- an incessant flow of loving messages from my friends - 
- smelling freshly cut grass - 
- open windows on a spring evening -
-falling into bed and hugging my pillow tight - 

yes. that was one heck of a birthday. a good year is ahead.