
September 27, 2014

the happy children

          On a field trip to Rocheport yesterday, we stopped at an antique store ( "Friends Together Antiques.") which belongs to a good friend of ours.  Samplers, autograph books, diaries, chairs, dresses, and various trinkets (dating as far back as the 18th century) were quaintly displayed and filled the small building with that faded smell of musty age.
          We were only shopping for fun, but I ended up buying this little treasure:

          It is was published by the American Sunday-School Union for the purpose of illustrating strong morals for young children. (The kind of morals that are founded straight from Scripture and show you how best to live your life.)
          In this fragile book there are three stories: The "Penitent Robber", "The Happy Children", and an "Anecdote". I cannot describe the delightfulness of this book very fairly, so here are some excerpts. I'm sure you will find them quite whimsical and old fashioned:)

          "Now, reader, pause awhile, and think
               What thou art now, and soon must be!
          For God hath sent this little book,
               And speaks with solemn voice to thee.

          Say, dost thou long for peace in life,
                And hope for heaven when life is past?
          O pause and listen! -- search thy heart;
                 For know this day may prove thy last!"

"When this book is written, two boys and two girls, the happy children to whom we refer, are living in a little cottage, in the county of Lancaster ..... They have such kind parents, such a good governess at their well-conducted school, and are making such improvement by these means, that we call them the Happy Children; and we earnestly wish that the dear little ones who may read, or hear this account, may be like them that they may be happy also."

"One day, two of children retired to the same room to pray; and it appeared, on inquiry afterwards, that one of them chose the darkest corner in it, thinking that it would be most proper, because it was most private: the other prayed near to a window, which she set open, because she had heard that Daniel did so. They have often been much struck with the history of that eminent saint, and frequently request their parents to read it at family worship."

So, now you know why I am thoroughly enjoying this little bit of paper and binding!

What are some treasures you have found? Please tell! I would love to hear.

September 23, 2014

autumn bucket list

I think I can safely say that autumn is one our favorite seasons. It is the only time no on will judge you for drinking copious amounts of hot chocolate or rolling around in the leaves.

People enjoy doing special things during fall. The festive holidays and brisk weather gets into their blood and they feel the need to celebrate. That's why I am putting together an 'autumn bucket list' for you! You can adapt it however you want, but hopefully it gives you some good ideas to fully enjoy the time of harvest. Here goes:

  • Take a foggy morning walk
  • Go for a scenic drive in the countryside with the cocker spaniel
  • Make a trip to the bookstore and buy a thick novel. (I bought Les Miserables which I think is thick enough.)
  • Go stargazing with some friends
  • Watch "Trapped in Paradise"
  • Go to the country store and buy bulk items to stock up
  • Make a straw man to sit on the front porch
  • Smell a cinnamon candle
  • Go to a drive in movie
  • Hide in a pile of leaves and scare somebody (muahahahahah)
  • Enjoy a homemade pie or apple tarts
  • Stay warm in an oversized sweater
  • Go on a hike and collect pine cones for a garland or wreath
  • Try a new flavor of hot tea
  • Make a Thankful Tree
  • Drink a pumpkin spice latte

September 20, 2014

night hike

          Thirty girls are strung out along the path, trudging through dew laden grass; I am one of the very last ones, stopping to watch a blinking glow worm or run my hand through the whispering leaves. Nothing can be heard but the crickets and our voices, catching the breeze and carrying upwards. City lights are merely a faint glow on the horizon...... far away from our country escape.

 'Look at the stars!' somebody says, just in time for a shooting star to blaze across the sky. The whole group of us 'ooh' and 'ahh', stunned by the majesty of the starry brightness. Silver light fills the sky with glory and you can see the very presence of God written clearly and strongly in the pattern of constellations and planets.

 He determines the number of stars and knows them each by name.

          Slowly, we resume our night hike. A group of friends hold hands in a row and begin singing in harmony. I understand why--it is their way of responding to the beauty around them. For me, I can only stare in silent wonder at the works His hands have wrought. If God is the magistrate of it all,  how blessed am I that my life is precious to Him!

When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
he moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them?
---Psalm 8:3-4      

September 19, 2014

sugar and spice and all things nice

So I was trying to improve my blog labels and accidentally deleted my previous post on tea and hot chocolate. *face palm* I'm not going to write it all out again (sorry!), but I will include the pictures and directions once more.

1 cup tea (I used pumpkin spice tea which blended nicely with the hot chocolate, but be adventurous and try your own flavor!)
1 cup hot chocolate
The book New England Wilderness

Fill your mug 3/4 of the way full with hot chocolate and top it off with tea.
I suggest you drink it over the book "New England Wilderness" to satisfy your desire to travel; there are lots of detailed descriptions and beautiful photos of the rugged northeastern landscape.

Happy Autumn and Enjoy!

September 2, 2014


{wool plaid skirts}
{chopping firewood with Dad}
{breathing in the steam from hot tea}
{chilly morning breezes}
{cable knit sweaters}
{late night visiting on the couch}
{rain on the roof}
{wrapping up in a blanket for movie nights}
{red cheeks and noses}
{listening to Sarah Bauhan CD’s}
            I woke up this morning to grey clouds overhead and cricket chirps filling in the cracks of silence. A brisk morning breeze nipped me in the face and I knew—without looking at the calendar—that it was autumn
            For the past few weeks I have been anxiously looking for signs of fall. If a leaf fell from a tree, it was dutifully recorded. If the temperature dropped ever so slightly, it somehow gave me reason to put on a sweater. I guess you could call it autumn fever.

So, to celebrate the coming of fall, Mom took the three amigos for a hike. We spent an entire evening trekking around taking pictures and absorbing the subtle beauty of Missouri.

I wore my Ariat boots which are worn with age and still smell pleasantly of horses. 

We splashed in the creek a little…..

…risked our lives to take a good picture (that is us on top of a precipice which drops straight down into a creek bed), and overall had a loverly time.

"Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn--that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness--that season which has drawn from every poet worthy of being read some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling.”

― Jane Austen, Persuasion